Well it's been a while! This year has been a toughie and I must admit it is still having it's challenges! I took a step back from the business this year as I have had so much going on with family, they just had to come first! I have four children and two grandchildren (another one due in February 1st) so it's always going to be a challenge to keep up with all of them as I am sure most mothers out there would agree!! This has not been a good year for me healthwise either and I have been knocked off my feet a couple of times and just for once had to put myself first! We have been back into our renovations also this year, and as anyone who has renovated an old house will tell you, nothing goes to plan!! Everything costs more than your first quote, and everything takes longer than planned! We all know that tradies only turn up when you least expect them, they never turn up when they are supposed to....unless it's payday! We decided a couple of months ago to finally renovate our driveway as it was all broken and patchy. Got a great quote and a great tradie, but when they started digging up the old concrete and taking it to the local tip, asbestos was found in it! To cut a very long story short it was going to cost us approx $16000 to dispose of it ~ yes $16,000!! To cut a very long story short we mananged to find someone who knew someone else (you know how it goes!) who knew someone else and we managed to get it for a lot less, although it was still more than our budget (approx $5000 more!) If only that was the end of it! We had pulled out the washing line in preparation but it took 2 weeks to finally get rid of the concrete, then it rained....we finally got the ground levelled and prepared....then it rained....we pulled all the path of pavers up by hand, my husband and myself, and wheelbarrowed it to a neighbour who wanted them..in 26 degrees, as we wanted to save money after deciding to do a new path also.....then it rained and it hasn't stopped!!! 5 weeks and counting... no washing line, our car in the garage unable to get out (we are driving around in our son's old little car!) and it's still raining!! Our daughter, son-in-law and two little grandaughters come back to live in NSW in 3 weeks and are staying with us for a couple of nights, so hopefully it will be done by then! The forecast next week ~ cloudy with rain!!! Anyway before I start crying LOL!! I will tell you about my new Buzzy Bee Bears...I have made these bears from calico and are safe to be played with by children as the face is painted on. I need names for them!! I have announced a competiiton on Facebook to win a $100 voucher to spend on my site, so if anyone has any suggestions please feel free!...I also have new items on the site such as rusty cloth doll accessories, such as buckets, birdhouses, garden tools etc. Also I have some ready made cloth dolls, Raggedy Andy and Annie as well as others. Dont forget to check out my selection of Disa designs patterns, they are some fantastic patterns to make for Christmas ~ it's not too late!! I will be back over the weekend to write some more, thanks for reading!!! Best wishes to you all, Carole xxx
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